Monday, 15 June 2015

What Shoud Inspire Your Career Choice/Move

Are you about to complete your Grade 12 and still don’t know which field of study to pursue?                                  
 You are in the career wilderness and you deem it right to make a career change

It is  very vital that before you make that choice/change you answer the following questions.

What justifies my presence on earth? OR Why am I here?
What is the rationale behind how I was created ? (looking at the natural abilities)
My personal answer for the above questions will be to be a coach, counselor, hope restorer and an agent of encouragement to this generation

Look at it this way. The sun was made to give us light during the day. The stars were made to give us light during the night; the plants were made to produce food for our survival. The chair was made for sitting,  the computer you are in front of was made for typing, emailing and serving the web

WHAT ABOUT YOU? Why were YOU created?

If you can answer the above questions with confidence you are in a good position to make a career decision.

If you cannot answer this questions it is advisable to wait before wasting money and time in a wrong career field. Your waiting will pay off. It will serve you better to invest that time and money in finding answers for the above questions.

Our career choices should fully complement the very reason why we were created. If it doesn’t the results in the long run is frustration and discontentment.

You have been made to be good at something. In most cases ignoring this and trying all other things is the recipe for failure or mediocre life. This then breeds issues of low self esteem and identity crisis.

Imagine trying to pursue music as a career while actually you were structured to be the best athlete of your time. Ignoring athletics and competing with those who were structured for music is actually a set up for failure.  Can you think of the stars trying to outclass the sun with light?  Though the stars my desire it and consider it more honorable to be the light for the day than for the night they do not have 70% hydrogen and 28% helium that makes the sun the relevant and right light for the day.

It has been said that when purpose is not known abuse is unavoidable
If you have been given a heart of a  medical doctor (with all the necessities needed to take pleasure in taking care of sick people and you are stuck and frustrated in an accounting firm, maybe with a big cheque. That is self imposed abuse.

These kinds of misplacement breed chaotic communities. This explains why a teacher can rape his own student. How  else can the disruption of the theatre process by qualified medical doctors be justified because definitely a salary increase cannot be a fitting reason. Killing the very people they should be saving.

The only explanation to such incidents is pressure, confusion and frustration of being in the wrong career field

My concern is in a long run, you are not the only victim of your self imposed abuse.

Your reason for life is parallel with someone’s well being.  When you ignore it for whatever reasons someone innocent is suffering.

It is not rocket science it is possible to know and live a Purpose Driven Life

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