Monday, 13 July 2015

The letter R of the Word Career

By : Bogadi Rammuki


It is the state  of being answerable, or accountable for something within one's power or control. Always remember that the only person accountable for your career success it is YOU. Never ever leave your career success and growth in the hands of somebody or  subject it to situations and circumstances

Areas you need to take responsibility of:

1.       Career Choice

This Area is the bedrock of your career success. It is unfortunate that it is also an area that is taken lightly by many. I once read a joke that most people take time and make considerable research on the type of phone/gadget they want to use, than on a career they want to choose.  This choice is mostly left to external factors e,g Peers or parents influence, available resources, how lucrative or appealing  the path is.
In taking full responsibility of your career choice, I suggest that you take considerable amount of time before making a choice. To high school learners I recommend that you take years from as early as before  grade 09 to grade 11 to make this choice.

The following is the process you can follow in taking full responsibility of your career choice:

1.       Commit to self discovery

Commit to knowing yourself better ,observe your interest, ask others about it. Test your aptitude with self assessment test, know your values and your personality type.  This is crucial because the most important thing you can do when making a career choice is to choose the one that is right for YOU.

2.       Research Career Fields

·         Make a list of potential occupations
·         List of 5 – 10 occupations
·         select jobs that interest you
·         Are recommended following career assessment tests
·         Ones matching your personality, values and talents set.

From the list of potential occupations make further research of the following:

 ·         Educational or training requirements
·         Job description
·         Employment outlook
·         Annual Package

 How to explore

·         Internet
·         Informational interviews ( Have conversations with  few people who are already in that field)
·         Job shadow experiences.(Make requests to those already working to take you along for a   
           reasonable time to their work places)
.         Once you are familiar with all choice options , narrow your list to 1-2 options.

Most people/learners perceive this as an overwhelming process, but choosing a career is a serious business and it must be handled so.

3.    Career/Personal Development

There comes a point in your life where what you do career wise define who you are especially when what you do is fully aligned with who you are. A teacher by profession and by birth does not have to wait for a classroom to teach.s/he grabs every opportunity to impart knowledge. At this point your personal development has adverse effects on your career development.
 Taking full responsibility of your career development simply means investing time and resources  that develops you .Attend seminars, Read books, articles, blogs. Take an advanced course.  Always be keen to develop your skills, practice ,practice, practice. Embrace an opportunity to learn from others especially those who have gone ahead of you on the same field. Mentorship can be just the thing you need for your career development.
External factors that can contribute positively or negatively to your development are the company you choose to work for, the position you hold within the company, and the people in your network. The choice of any of this three should be done considering the impact they can have in ones career in a long run.
Two things that people who does not want to take responsibility do is that they justify/give reasons for their current state or blame others for it 
 The crucial  questions you need to answer is, are you taking full control of your career life. Are you justifying your current career affairs in any way or are you blaming anyone or any circumstances for a current state of your career life. Most importantly Are you growing?

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