Sunday, 26 July 2015

The Letter C of the Word Career

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On this post  I want us to look at the meaning  of the word CAREER. Give a hint of why there  are different career paths and what you need to understand before making a career choice or a career  move.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Letter A Of the Word Career - Bogadi Rammuki

The letter A within the word career represents - Authenticity

Authenticity means being true to yourself. “Our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive and express who we really are” Miguel Ruiz.

Monday, 13 July 2015

The letter R of the Word Career

By : Bogadi Rammuki


It is the state  of being answerable, or accountable for something within one's power or control. Always remember that the only person accountable for your career success it is YOU. Never ever leave your career success and growth in the hands of somebody or  subject it to situations and circumstances

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Letter E of the word Career

Education formal or informal is a crucial component of a successful career. In 2008 I was working as a secretary in one of the government departments. One day a colleague of mine asked me a question which raised my eyebrows to something I was not aware of She said Bogadi are you aware that, you are the most educated person in this entire floor . Even more than those we were secretaries to. It was a floor of senior managers of the department. From my colleagues statement, I had to ask myself questions

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

The Letter E of the word career stand for Ethics

Ethics  are moral principles that govern a person's behaviour 
Work place ethics refers to a group of moral principles, standards of behavior, or set of values regarding proper conduct in the workplace.
Most companies have what we call a code of ethics which is a the set of behavioral rules, employees should follow to ensure that the organizations values are reflected in all business dealings.
The main objective of the code of ethics is to define what the company is about and make it clear that it uphold values like honesty and fairness, respect etc.
Companies use code of ethics to prohibit inappropriate behavior i.e lying to managers or clients, engaging in fraud or corruption.
Code of ethics is developed by organizations to give  employees a sense of right and wrong conduct within the organization

.It remains the responsibility of every employer to train its employees on workplace ethics because ethics are as important as performance, they both affect the companies profitability

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Letter R of the word Career

Most people’s focus concerning their jobs is to make money atleast enough to pay their bills. Very few people are set to contribute, to achieve,to make their presence felt at work. Many are still subjected to “as long as mentality””.
However most people don’t realise that, there is an intrinsic need within every individual for growth and progress.Most times the absence of progress or the sense of stagnation results in frustration and discontentment.
The need for significance extend to the workplace also,especially that we spent most of our time at work. Every individual has a need to know that they matter,to know that they are special & unique.
There is a need within every individual to know that they are admired and respected.
At the workplace like any other place, this kind of respect and appreciation that we so desire is never granted but should be earned.

The big question remains:  How do we earn it. 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Reinventing Your Career

Interview with  Elaine Palmer, the Manager ,Human Capital services at Exxaro  Coal Mining,she successfully reinvented  her career from  being a Tech- nician nuclear radiography to the Human Resource profession. She is saying with a firm voice  career  reinvention is possible.

A career is more than just  a way to make a living. A career is a calling. Its about adding value to those you serve and when this is done diligently there are great profits and rewards. Most importantly the career  path turns to be more fulfilling. For most people there is a time when their calling demands attention with a violent inner voice. At this  point it is time for Career  reinvention. Something that most people deem impossible or difficult  

Monday, 15 June 2015

What Shoud Inspire Your Career Choice/Move

Are you about to complete your Grade 12 and still don’t know which field of study to pursue?                                  
 You are in the career wilderness and you deem it right to make a career change

It is  very vital that before you make that choice/change you answer the following questions.